Quickdraw-1 Practice

Categories: Quick Tips.

May 8, 2021 // By:admin // No Comment

too many try to practice a fast draw but introduce inefficiencies and errors by starting to do it fast.
Start very slow and methodically (in this sequence)
  1. Clean Draw (with finger indexed along frame of pistol)
  2. Compression in front of torso
  3. Accurate presentation to target (barrel is aimed at target, gun is pushed outward towards target, eyes are already locked on target and pistol’s sight alignment is added to the line of sight between eye and target)
practice these three stages.
Don’t practice until you get it right … practice until you dont get it wrong
as you develop this into muscle memory, speed will naturally occur in time.
Slow = right = speed (because speed is the result of removing wasted movement) but fast and wrong is dangerous.
To see a demonstration in normal speed and slow-motion, click here

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