my grandson’s first shots

Categories: Uncategorized.

Jan 27, 2024 // By:admin // No Comment

started with a rifle (ruger 10/22lr)

  • easier to control
  • more accurate
  • more encouraging to shoot (especially a 9 yr old)
  • first target was B-22 target in case I needed to track wide shots
  • ended up not needing it and used 8.5×11 paper targets
  • moved to 8×10 steel target once I knew he was locking onto target well so he had some instant feedback to make it even more fun!

 loading his own mags, operating bolt, dropping mag, locking bolt back
(all in first 30 minutes at range)









safety first,
then fun !

and yes, this smile says it all
(he put the shots where they belonged, but I was more focused on his form and technique, since the accuracy will come later)








moved up to pistol later (walther p22)

  • indoor range
  • more noisy but he managed it
  • another great day of encouraging shooting
  • he was keeping all safety rules in place
  • had a blast and wants to go again !



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