Train with 21st Century Technology

Technology is waiting at our fingertips.

the right combination of coaching, information, and data about your shooting can accelerate your progress more than you’d imagine possible.  Ammo is expensive and I’ve already bought the technology to help you become a better shooter today.

I use a combination of:

  • SIRT pistol (Self Indicating Resetting Trigger) dual laser device
    • foundational skills sets
    • trigger take up skills
    • also used in smokeless range training


  • Laser training (software/hardware) with real pistols
    • accuracy and reinforce foundational skills
    • speed vs accuracy drills
    • draw-compress-present-shoot


  • Mantis X10 Elite motion tracking (software/hardware) with real pistols
    • detect and diagnose any movement
      • before trigger press
      • during trigger press
      • after trigger press
      • even holster draw time
      • get your own Mantis


  • & Old School Coaching
    • eyes on training
    • using experience to improve your shooting
    • reinforce good habits
    • detecting and eliminating bad habits